Mid-April Bus update

As most of you know, we are running one bus into NYC from Madison/Chatham and one bus out every day Monday-Thursday. We're hoping for approval in the next week or two to extend the origin to Convent Station.
Last week we had 59 total rides booked, for an average of 7.4 riders on each bus (or 12% occupancy). This route used to have 1,000+ weekly rides pre-pandemic, so we still have a little hill to climb!
We're an optimistic bunch, and things continue moving in the right direction. 59 rides is a new high since we restarted our bus in September, and just barely passed our October high when Lucy pulled the proverbial football away from our return.
Throughout the whole pandemic we've continued developing our technology back-end, and we'll soon be releasing a feature that will allow customers to track our bus's locations in real time. What this will allow is for our return buses to drive through Manhattan, picking up throughout midtown (and elsewhere eventually).
We've added two new midtown stops in the morning, at Madison Ave & 67th and Madison Ave & 71st.
When you return to work, even if it's just twice a week or once a month, you should try out Boxcar! We're the safest and most enjoyable form of commuting. We drop off all throughout midtown and our buses are equipped with Wi-Fi, power outlets at every seat, and the best chauffeurs you've ever met!
I paid a visit to one of them last Friday, Nestor, and he's just so happy to see more riders on the bus every day and really enjoys driving you all!