Boxcar Heads to Connecticut!

September is a time of change - kids go back to school, commuters get back to work, trees start turning color, everything suddenly tastes like pumpkin spice… At Boxcar, we are very excited to announce a new change, as well - something we’ve been working on all summer. As of Monday, September 10, we will have parking available in New Canaan, Connecticut! This is a big deal for us in many ways.
It means we have expanded enough to help take the stress out of commuting in three different states - New Jersey, New York and Connecticut.
It’s also our biggest parking lot to date, with 60 spots at St. Aloysius RC Church, just steps from the train station. And it’s our biggest collaboration with a town - New Canaan will provide the parking enforcement for this lot, in order to help its residents simplify their commutes.
New Canaan is a town like many in the tri-state area - a large majority of people commute to New York City by train, but there isn’t enough commuter parking available. Municipal lots have years-long waiting lists, and there aren’t a lot of other options.
That’s where we come in - linking commuters with under-used spots, creating options where there weren’t any before. It’s what we love to do: take some of the stress out of commuting. And the Town of New Canaan has been a perfect partner in this process - willing to work to find solutions to make life a little easier for its residents.
This particular deal took several months from start to finish. But it wasn’t all contract negotiations and meetings with the New Canaan Selectmen. We also did lots of site work, getting those 60 spots ready for commuters. From painting lines to adding that beautiful Boxcar logo (in 90-degree heat), prepping spaces takes a lot of work—as you can see from photo below! And when you pull into a Boxcar parking space in New Canaan next week, pumpkin-spice latte in hand, take a moment to admire the hard work!

Want to reserve a spot in New Canaan or any of our other lots? Start by downloading the free Boxcar app from the Apple App Store or Google Play and creating an account. If you have any questions, please give us a call at 908-485-7275.